Mt. Eden

August 21, 2023

On Sunday, my student accommodations arranged a walk to the nearby Mount Eden. Mount Eden is the tallest volcano in Auckland. The volcano is no longer active and offers spectacular views of Auckland at 196m. The center of the mountain contains a grassy cater that’s more than 50m deep! Mount Eden is one of Auckland’s thirteen Tūpuna Maugna (ancestral mountains). These peaks represent the historical, spiritual, ancestral, and cultural identity of the 13 iwi and hapū of Ngā Mana Whenua o Tāmaki Makaurau (the mana whenua tribes of Auckland).The hike was a great walk, and I would recommend it for its amazing 360 views of the entire city. Once the weather improves. I’d love to do it again for sunrise or sunset. 

For more information on Tūpuna Maugna:

View from the top of Mt. Eden's Crater