Fijian Food, Flora and Fauna

October 16, 2023

Our trip to Fiji was an adventure…

Before leaving Auckland, we attempted to pull out some cash to convert to Fijian Dollars. Unfortunately, both Emily and I encountered issues with our domestic debit cards and ended up having to call our banks before the flight frantically. I DO NOT recommend this approach, and highly advise you to be more prepared than us. Credit cards are accepted throughout most of Fiji, but if you plan on shopping at any local markets, taking a taxi, or visiting a more remote area, it’s good to have cash!

We arrived in Nadi around 5 pm, and after minor banking difficulties managed to convert our currency to Fijian Dollars. Then we took a local taxi from the airport to our Airbnb. We had a homestay with a kind host, who prepared us dinner. Emily is vegetarian and ate a LOT of rice, bread, and vegetable curry throughout the trip. I opted for the fish most nights, but our meals depended on where we were staying. The second image shows my first dinner in Fiji!

We purchased a 5-day bula pass and took the Yasawa Flyer to the Yasawa Island Chain. 

In the Yasawa Islands, meal plans are compulsory for guests. We had a buffet for most meals, but there were always many options. The food was filling, and we didn’t end up having any major stomach issues or health problems. 

There are also a ton of Coconut trees! I love fresh coconut water and had my fill throughout the duration of our trip! As seen in picture 3, I got a refreshing drink after a long hike. 

The flora and fauna of Fiji are relatively similar to Hawai’i. Fiji is a Pacific island, so it was nice to see some familiar sights, smells, and sounds. I spotted Kalo and Kava along a hike. 

After staying in hostels for most of the trip, we opted for a nicer hotel for our last night in Nadi. It was so nice to have a private room and shower. The food and drinks at the hotel were really nice as well!

This is a brief overview of our trip:

Day 1 - Arrive in Nadi

  • We stayed in a homestay, our host cooked us Dinner. 
  • The host also prearranged transportation from the house to Port Denarue for Emily and I in the morning. 

Day 2 - Travel to the Yasawa islands

  • We used the Bula pass to travel throughout the Yasawas
  • Woke up at 6 am to take our pre-arranged Taxi to the Nadi Farmers Market
  • After a quick stop at the market, we headed to port. 
  • Took the Yasawa flyer for 4 hours to our first stop in the Yasawas, Mantraray Islands

Day 3 - Mantaray Island

  • Enjoyed Mantraray Island
  • Snorkled and Paddle Boarded
  • Swam with Mantra rays!!

Day 4 - Travel from Mantaray Island to the Kuata Island

  • Took the Yasawa flyer to another island in the Yawasas, Kuata Island
  • Spent the afternoon enjoying the beach and exploring a new island

Day 5 - Kuata Island

  • Watched the Sunrise and Sunset at Kuata Island
  • Shark Snorkling!

Day 6 - Traveled from the Yasawas to the Coral Coast

  • Left the Yasawa chain and headed back to Nadi
  • Rented a Car and drove 2 hours to the Coral Coast on Viti Levu
  • Arrived at Fiji Beachhouse

Day 7 - Coral Coast

  • Explored the coral coast and enjoyed new scenery

Day 8 - Coral Coast

  • Relaxed and made friends with other travelers
  • Jungle hike!

Day 9 - Roadtrip from the Coral Coast back to Nadi

  • Drove back to Nadi and hung out at our hotel

Day 10 - Hotel Stay in Nadi

  • Enjoyed the pool, and other luxurious amenities. 
  • Participated in a Kava ceremony 
  • Headed to the airport and departed Fiji around 10 pm.
Fiji Water in Fiji!
My dinner of fish, veggies and Uto buco (Ulu or Breadfruit)
Cooling down with a coconut after a long hike.
A Dalo plant growing in a ditch.
An almost mature Kava plant...
My last breakfast in Fiji.
Pretty drinks from our hotel.